Visual studio code

Visual studio code
Created: 17 August 2020
Updated: 17 August 2020

Visual Studio Code keyboard shortcuts

Visual Studio Code is a free source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS.

You can also download the official PDF shortcut reference for Windows, macOS, Linux.

Ctrl X Cut line
Ctrl Insert line bellow
Ctrl Insert line above
Alt Move line/selection up
Alt Move line/selection down
Ctrl D Select word - Repeat select others occurrences
Ctrl K Delete Line
Ctrl ] Indent current line(s)
Ctrl [ Un-indent current line(s)
Alt ↑/↓ Duplicate line(s) up/down
Home Go to the begining of line
End Go to the end of line
Ctrl Scroll line up
Ctrl Scroll line down
Ctrl Home Go to the begining of file
Ctrl End Go to the end of file
Ctrl [ Collapse region
Ctrl ] Uncollapse region
Ctrl K Ctrl 0 Collapse all regions
Ctrl K Ctrl J Uncoollapse all regions
Ctrl / Toggle line comment
Alt Z Toggle word wrap
Navigation / Goto Anywhere
Ctrl G Goto line in current file
Ctrl P Quick-open files by name
Ctrl O Goto symbol
Ctrl M Show Problems panel
/ F8 Go to next error warning
F8 Go to previous error warning
Ctrl Tab Navigate editor group history
Alt / Go back / forward
Ctrl P Command prompt
Ctrl KB Toggle side bar
Ctrl Alt P Show scope in status bar
Ctrl F Find
Ctrl H Replace
F3 / F3 Find next / previous
Alt Select all occurrences of Find match
Ctrl F Find in files
Ctrl D Add selection to the next Find match
Multi-cursor and selection
Alt Click Insert cursor
Ctrl U Undo last cursor operation
Alt I Insert cursor at end of each line selected
Ctrl I Select current line
Ctrl L Select all occurrences of current selection
Ctrl F2 Select all occurrences of current word
Alt Expand selection
Alt Shrink selection
Alt (drag mouse) Column (box) selection
Rich languages editing
Ctrl Space Trigger suggestion
Ctrl Space Trigger parameter hints
Alt F Format document
Ctrl K Ctrl F Format selection
/ F12 Go to definition
Alt F12 Peek definition
Ctrl K F12 Open Definition to the side
Ctrl K Ctrl X Trim trailing whitespace
Ctrl K M Change file language
Editor management
Ctrl F4 Close editor
Ctrl K F Close folder
Ctrl 1 / 2 / 3 Split editor in 1 / 2 / 3 parts
Alt 2 Split view into two columns
Alt 1 Revert view to single column
Ctrl PgUp / PgDn Move editor left/right
Alt 0 Toggle editor layout (horizontal/vertical)
File management
Ctrl N New file
Ctrl O Open file...
Ctrl W Close current tab
Ctrl S Save
Ctrl S Save as...
Ctrl K S Save all
Ctrl T Reopen closed editor
Ctrl Tab Toggle tabs
Alt [NUM] Switch to tab number [NUM] where [NUM] <= number of tabs
Ctrl K R Reveal active file in Explorer
Ctrl K O Show active file in new window/instance
F11 Toggle full screen
Ctrl = / - Zoom in/out
Ctrl B Toggle Sidebar visibility
Ctrl E Show Explorer / Toggle focus
Ctrl F Show Search
Ctrl G Show Source Control
Ctrl D Show Debug
Ctrl E Show Extensions
Ctrl H Replace in files
Ctrl J Toggle Search details
Ctrl U Toggle Output panel
Ctrl V Open Markdown preview
Ctrl K V Open Markdown preview to the side
Ctrl K Z Zen Mode (Esc Esc to exit)
F9 Toggle breakpoint
F5 Start/Continue
F5 Stop
F11 / F11 Step into/out
F10 Step over
Ctrl K Ctrl I Show hover
Integrated terminal
Ctrl ` Show integrated terminal
Ctrl ` Create new terminal
Ctrl C Copy selection
Ctrl V Paste into active terminal
Ctrl / Scroll up/down
PgUp / PgDn Scroll page up/down
Ctrl Home / End Scroll to top/bottom