How to modify this page

How to modify this page
Updated: 11 August 2020

Get started with a sample file.


Every page and article on this website uses Markdown format with .md extension. Markdown cheat sheet can be found here.

Mandatory Elements

Every page, at a minimum, must have the following:

Title: My super title
Date: 2010-12-03 10:20
Slug: category/my-super-title

As you can see the Slug: contains the category before the actual slug. This helps better categorizing the URLs and avoid confusion.

For general pages, such as this one or About, category is always pages/.

A good starting point is the template_ file created in each category.

Optional Fields

Property Description
Author: Set the yourself as the author of the page. You can also include a link to your page with a normal link Author.
Please don't spam.

Multiple authors are supported, example: Authors: Julian Page, Matthew Smith.
Accepts links for every specific author, example: Authors: <a href="your_link" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">Julian Page</a>, Matthew Smith.
Due to security reasons and the high risk of spam, only links with rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" will be accepted.
Show_date: Display in template the date the article was created.
Modified: Date of the last modification of the page.
Show_modified: Display in template the last date the file was modified.
Summary: Short version for index and feeds
Tags: Content tags, separated by commas
keywords: Content keywords, separated by commas (HTML content only)
category: Content category (one only — not multiple)
template: Name of template to use to generate content
status: Content status: draft, hidden, or published
translation: Is content is a translation of another (true or false)
Lang: Content language ID (en, fr, etc.)
Icon: Add a link to the SVG icon

Creating a new page

Create a .md file in the appropriate folder (or new one), add the above elements. It is a good idea to add the file to the configuration file as well, in the MENUITEMS.

A good starting point is the template_ file created in each category.

Private comments

If you want to comment in page but you don't want to show it to the end user, use [//]: # (This comment will not be visible to the end user)